Monday, May 30, 2011

~part 1- holiday~

hi & assalamualaikum..

what's up peeps??how's ur hols? me? i'm doing great.. so, i'm gonna update my current status at home..

on Saturday, our family went to a wedding.. that wedding was so awesome.. pelamin cantek..hantaran cantek..meja mkn beradab pon cantek.. semua pon cantek laa.. yg penting, tema warna putih +pink+purple.. my fav..heee.. :)

p/s: sorry coz no piccas to show you..

on Sunday, dari pagi smpai ke tgh hari, xtvt yg dibuat adalah mengemas umah, basuh baju, on9, tgk tv.. boring gak..mujur ade tenet je kt umah..huhu.. then, my mom asked me to accompany her pegi beli brg coz today my relatives from pahang will be arrived.. kalo korg nk tau, hani kalo dah duk umah, mmg malas la nk pi memana..huhuhu..smlm mase mama ajak gi bandar KT pon kite x mandi lg tau..hahaha.. x snonoh btul.. :p.. mama plak b'ia2 ajak..x smpai hati nk tolak, so dgn paksa rela pegi la mandi..within 30 min seme da siap & here we go..

mula-mula sekali mesti la pegi cari tmpat mkn kan.. perut da b'kriok-kriok bunyi kelaparan..huhu.. so, kitorg pegi kt Giant.. alang2 nk melawat my bro yg keje part-time kt booth pesta buku TTC which is situated just beside Giant mall..

we all decide nk mkn kat the Chicken Rice Shop..last time hani mkn sini time LI 2 tahun lpas kot.. :).. da 1 giant pusing nk cari tmpt mkn..itu aje restoran non-fast food yg hado.. kat sini xde tempat makan yg besh2 mcm kat KL & Selangor.. cehhh.. b'lagak btol kau!! hahahah.. seriously dude.. kalo bukak kedai makan yg pelik2, confirm laku..heee.. as i said, sini xdela domino's pizza ka.. san francisco pizza ka.. frutti tutti ka.. baskin robin ka.. kalo kat cnie, zaman i degree dulu, paling mantop pon pizza hut laa.. tu kalo da mkn kt pizza hut tu dh kire kayo la tue.. xpon secret recipe (but now x halal da kan?? ).. hihi.. btul x?? btul x?? :)

so...jom lyn piccas... zasssssssssss...

gambar latest sy yg makin tembam+ jerawat tumbuh bak cendawan..haha.. lupe nk ckp.. i got my hp SE W850i back..aritu anta baiki.. so da bley snap2 pic..even kualiti pic x seberapa.. :P

wif my beloved mama.. love u.. :)

retarded me.. haha.. :P

my youngest sista yg bengis.. :P

ayaq lemon tea (adik).. soya+cincau (mama).. cincau @ jelly grass (saya).. :)

'pai tee'.. sy sgt suke benda alah crunchy.. :)

kerabu mangga yg sgt 'superb' di chicken rice shop.. seriously sedap.. :)

steamed chicken mi favorita.. :)
FYI, i prefer raw food or half cooked actually..juga makanan yg lembik2..coz easy to digest by my problematic kirenye, makanan yg ala2 mentah tu my fav la..heee

so, that's all my entry for now.. tggu next entry ye.. tomorrow i'll be going to Kelantan for family vacation.. nanti hani story k.. love ya.. daaa.. :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

~i'm home~

hi & assalamualaikum..

yeay!! finally i'm home.. home sweet home.. hepi sgt2 bile ade kt umah.. bley tgk tv.. baring2 x wat pape.. on9 pon free.. so heavennn!!!'s really good to be at home.. kalau la bley stay lama2 kt umah kan?? spending time wif my beloved family.. huhu.. cuti seminggu ni akan sy manfaatkan sebaik mungkin!! heeeee.. diz is what i am planning to do... :)

1. tomorrow pi wedding kat bukit bading, hulu terengganu wif my fam.. it's quite far from our home.. so, esok xyah msk..

2. ahad myb nk pick up baju yg da 2 bulan siap kat atas bus stand MBKT.. ntah muat ke x baju tue.. coz i'm increase in size..hahaha

3. isnin xtau nk wat ape.. myb staying at home jadik suri umah tgga or pi UMT meeting old friends & lepaking with them... :)

4. selasa-khamis my relatives from pahang-including my toki, tok, ateh's family & mak su's family will be staying at our home & we're going on vacation at Kelantan.. heeeee.. skenye family vacation.. & suke bley men baby syira.. x pnh lg jumpe bb syira ni.. excited.. coz everyone said that she's comell gilerr.. :)

5. jumaat-sabtu i'll be attending shu's wedding.. our cosmates time bachelor degree biology kt UMT.. da first one in our batch yg kawen.. so we all mmg excited+exaggerated..haha! so this is like mini reunion for our batch.. & i'm working hard to remove all pimples on my face + to lose some weight in these 1 week..haha.. mcm la sempat kan.. haisssshhh.. pape pon wish me luck.. :P

6. mybe 5/6 aribulan da balik Serdang.. ohh.. my holiday is too short rite?? sigh.. :'(

last but not least, my pinggang hurt since the last few days.. & it shows that it is not going to be recovered.. it's really hurt dowwwhhh.. wish me well soon k.. daaaaa:)

Monday, May 23, 2011

~Saya rindu!~

Hi & assalamualaikum..

wahhhh..da lame hani x update kan??huhu.. asyik bz je memanjang.. so, dipendekkan cite, lately hani bz with da proposal & all da presentation stuff..baru je abes smlm.. felt relief a bit.. coz there's a lot of things in progress..but nk take a break jap.. bulehh?? so exhausted already.. huhu.. besides that, my mom ade dtg on friday.. so i take half day & spent my time wif her at home.. later, i found out my grade for this semester changed.. OMG.. never ever happened in my life.. Alhamdulillah.. once again, dpt rezeki yg x disangka.. :).. wif my mom beside, doing the proposal, that makes me happy enough... tq mama.. that nite, i brought her to The Mines.. sorry mama.. if Angah xde presentation, nk sgt bwk mama pi jalan2 kt Jaya Jusco ke..Alamanda ke.. mkn steamboat kt restoran Maeps ke.. huhu.. nanti la kite jln2 len kali bila mama dtg sini ekkk.. :)

skrg mood sy adalah "i'm coming home"..huhu.. can't wait to go home this friday..i miss my family..i miss my home sweet home.. i miss my hometown Terengganu (Mydin..Giant..haha).. miss my friends at UMT.. guys.. jom hang out nak??hehe.. time.. move faster pleaseee.... :P

saya pon rindu jugak kt Mr. Ben.. till today, da 15 hari kami x jumpa.. sob.. sob..baru 2 minggu pon da nk kecoh kannn??hahaha.. but it seems like 2 years for me.. huuuu.. bila saya rindu, sy akan tgk gmbr2 die & kenangan kami b'sama.. jom layannnnn... zassssssssssssss..

ni la rupe mr.ben tgh tido.. comey kan??hehe.. gmbr ni hani snap mase dlm bas time matrix dulu.. die ni kalo tido, mmg x sdar pape dah..kehkehkeh

kalo korang nk tau, mr.ben ni anak manje ummi.. sbb die ni kan bongsu.. da besar pnjg pon ummi pggil adek lg..x malu..hehe..

saya suke sgt2 tgk gmbr nie..mase sy amek gmbr ni he's staring at me.. gmbr ni mase kitorg jadik sukarelawan paralimpiad kt UPM 2008.. mase ni tgh tengok game basketball b'kerusi roda.. pahang yg men.. idup pahang.. hehe.. :)

gambar skema budak yg x gemuk2..hehe.. abah sy ske ckp die ni 'hero tamil' sy.. :P

kami m'punyai minat yg same..iaitu singing.. bezanya, die ada band... sy ade group koir..dan yg x beshnyer, die slalu kutuk sy nyanyi.. sob..sob.. :P

dia juga m'punyai ramai kwn..smgt 'kekawanan' die juga sgt tinggi.. :)

see.. i told ya.. smgt 'kekawanan' die sgt tinggi.. haha.. wif his bff aka rumate 4 tahun b'turut2.. ajwad sabri.. :)

selain semangat 'kekawanan' yg tinggi, die juga m'punyai semangat 'kebapaan' yg sgt tggi..haaa.. yg ini mmg sy like sgt2.. hihihi.. see da pic.. nmpk penyayang giler kan? diz is one of the criteria why i choose him.. memandangkan he's da youngest in his family, anak2 sedara mmg ramai la.. & die mmg sayang giler2 kt anak2 sedara die.. how touch i am.. :')

mr.ben yg botak with his nephew mohd hani rusyairie..yuppp.. hani.. dat's my name.. but we called him erie.. he's so adorable rite?? i mean erie.. hihi :)

muke cu yg bulat sama mcm nurin insyirah.. :P

cu yg ensem ngan bb syirah yg comel nk gi jalan2.. :)

his pic yg pnh jadik main pic kt website UPM.. ingat ke hape la yg die kecoh2 sgt kannn.. konon da jadik retisss..haha

haaa.. ni le gmbr mr.ben yg jadik retisss..haha.. hurmmm..kalo jumpe hani, xde pon nak 'menyemat' camney..sob..sob.. :P

inilah 'christiano ronaldo' sy...hehe.. :P

dan inilah latest pic sy & dia.. sbnrnye die da agk berisi dr dulu..kalo dulu berat die 50kg pon x smpai.. jgn tkejut yaww.. tp disbbkan sy yg mmg sjak azali berisi lebih, so nmpk die slim laa..hahahaha.. bley mcm tu?? hehe :P

sebenarnya byk lg yg sy hendak cerita kpd anda semua mengenai kisah kami.. setelah b'kwn hampir 4 thun, t'putus di tgh jalan.. & after 8 months sambung balik.. mgkin kisah kami boleh dibuat novel.. hehe.. kalo rajin, sy cerita di lain entry yaa.. (^_*)

doa sy hari-hari:
ohh tuhan..cepat la masa berlalu..oh tuhan.. permudahkanlah jalan hidup kami.. oh tuhan.. murahkanlah rezeki kami.. amin.. :)

lastly... sy nak balikkk!!!! friday.. hurry up please... sy x sbr nk jumpa family sy.. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

~sy rindu sgt2 & sayang pada mereka2 yg pernah hadir dlm hidup sy.. :)~

hi & assalamualaikum..

tetiba ari ni hani teringat kt kawan2 mase belajar degree dulu.. kenangan mase time degree dulu.. byk sgt all those sweet memories.. FYI, mase time degree kt UMT dulu, hani ade 5 org BFF.. i'll tell you all bout them..

1. Nur Izzati Binti Mohd Zaki.. zati skrg tgh same study & keje ngan hani, so ari2 jumpe.. xla rindu sgt kan... kehkeh..zati ni plg lama la ngan hani.. bley dikatakan kitorg mcm belangkas.. kitorg da phm sgt perangai masing2.. & byk rahsie hani cik zati ni tau.. :P.. dulu kalo hani dating, slalu bwk cik zati ni.. last2, die tsangkut plak kat kwn Mr.Ben iaitu En. Faiz..kehkeh.. kitorg pon x sngka dorg ley couple.. mane taknye, dorg senyap2 aje.. diam2 ubi berisi..hehe.. :P.. pape pon, die la kwn hani smpai mati.. kitorg da byk susah sng same2..kan2?? :)

ni la cik zati ngan sy.. :)

2. BFF hani yang ke-2 plak namanye cik Nurul Hadijah Binti Idris.. or we called her as DJ..hani knal ngan DJ since study kt Matrix Pahang.. we all classmates.. x sangka dulu dpt satu course degree.. kt UMT pon kitorg baik sgt2.. & mase third year, kitorg rumate.. da jodoh kan??hahaha.. kitorg lak sekepala.. mmg havoc abes la mase jdik rumate dulu.. kitorg slalu msak kt bilik.. curik2 y'all.. mujur pihak asrama xtau..haha.. mcm2 la kenangan ngn cik dj ni.. hehe.. dj sgt best.. :)

miss DJ & miss Honey.. :)

p/s: sori ye syg psl t'silap tarikh birthday aritu.. ;')

3. BFF hani yg ke-3 ialah Cik Huda.. or her fullname is Izzatul Huda Binti Abd. Ghaffar.. dulu2 mase knal ngn huda, takot sgt.. coz die ni tgk org dgn pndangan 'slack' je..haha..(jgn mrh ye syg).. tp bile lama2 knal, bley masuk la plak kan..dulu2 hani slalu ikut huda bersukan.. volleyball pantai laa.. jln tepi pantai la.. mcm2 la xtvt yg kitorg wat b'sama..huhu.. bile ngan huda best sgt2.. hani dpt knal ramai kwn baru.. especially budak2 yg men volleyball.. kitorg pon sekepala..mcm2 kitorg b'cerita..hehe.. aritu huda ade dtg kl.. tp kejap je.. x puas lg la.. nk b'gosip lg..da rindu da nie.. sile dtg lg ye..kehkeh.. :)

cik hani & cik huda yg comey time raye 2009.. :)

4. BFF hani yg ke-4 ialah Nurul Faziana Binti Kamal.. faz pon hani knal kat matrix lg.. pastu 1 course kat UMT.. which mean hani, faz & dj adelah classmate dr matrix yg sntiasa b'sama2..huhuhu..faz time mtrix dulu 'skema' la jgk..(hehe..jgn mrh ye faz syg..) tp skrg she's a hot & stylish gurl beb..hehe.. i like her style now.. & she's smart.. :P

cik faz & cik hani.. muke kitorg burn giler time ni.. baru blik survival laut kt bidong mase first sem.. noob gile rase.. kahkahkah

5. BFF hani yg kelima ialah Arwah Nurul Diyana Binti Roslan.. yup.. she died in 12 Mei 2009 (if i'm not mistaken) before her birthday which is on 19 June.. unexpected.. she absent 1 day from the work and at that nite she died..the doctor suspect that she got infection in her lung.. and during the time she died, the doctor said that her heart was swolen..hani knal die mase form kitorg x pnh btegur sapa.. she's one of the best student at her school.. mase form 5, kitorg 1 tusyen al-bukhary, which was held in her school..kat matrix x pnh pon btegur.. but still remember mase 1st day masuk asrama, kitorg b'tegur sapa.. x sngka 1 course rupenye.. dulu, arwah la plg rapat ngn hani & zati.. bilik kitorg pon dekat2 mase 1st same2..slalu lepak same2..time 2nd year, we all semua slalu pegi kelas tumpang kete arwah.. selalu gelak same2 coz die seorg yg sgt ceria & suke buat lwk.die slalu nasihatkan hani dlm byk perkara..especially about men.. die marah hani slalu nanges sbb lelaki... die la tempat hani luahkan perasaan.. kitorg pon have the same hobby which is singing.. masuk koir same2..die pon rapat ngan family hani..hani ingat lg time raye 2008.. arwah dtg beraya kt umah hani bwk adik die.. die ske mkn kek..hani awl2 lagi da simpan kek utk die kt dapur.. kebetulan mase die dtg, family Mr.Ben pon ade.. hani x smpat nk lyn die.. tp die x segan silu g dapur makan kek yg hani wat & she said kek tu sedap.. abes licin die mkn..hani t'haru die suke.. die pon slm ummi Mr.Ben mase dorg 1 family nk balik..hani sayang die sgt2.. hani jarang rapat dgn kwn perempuan sbnrnye.. & when i lost her, i really felt lost.. ;'(..sampaikan 3 hari b'turut2 abah & mama teman hani tido.. sbb dorg tau hani sedey sgt2.. dorg ckp arwah budak baik.. mase mlm arwah meninggal, 1 family kami nanges.. i still remember how pain it is to lost somebody that are really close to me.. & hani da xnk go through it all again.. one thing that i really regret is that, on the day she died, at that morning she called me telling that she wont go to work.. coz she sick.. hani merajuk coz she don't tell me earlier.. mase tu abh hani da siap nk g keje..hani x mandi lg.. imagine i was kelam kelibut at that time.. & at noon, zati ade call die..mase tu kitorg tgh lepak2 b4 balik..xtau nape hani teringin sgt nk ckp ngan die.. & dont know nape hani ego sgt mase tu.. & rase sayu.. i think that i wanna apologize her the next x sgka.. mase balik kerja, ade strange number call hani.. die ckp arwah xley nk naik ambulan coz hani pgg ic arwah.. arwah t'tinggal brg die dlm handbag hani pd ari sebelum tu..hani pegi tgk arwah nek ambulan.. mase hani tgk, die da nmpak mcm hani xnk pk bukan2..but at the same time, hani da bgtau kwn2 suruh doakan arwah.. a few days b4, die mmg slalu mengadu sakit dada.. bile mkn muntah balik.. i did told her pergi jumpe dr. pakar.. die pon mmg nk jumpe..but it was too late.. at that nite, hani call zati.. zati ckp mak arwah ckp arwah da sedar.. kitorg plan la nk g hospital after keje.. lpas maghrib tu, tetibe hani dpt call from kwn hani time skola rendah yg mane she is related to arwah.. mase nk angkt hp tu, hani x sdap hati sgt.. tp hani rase hani tau wat she's gonna say..sha asked me.. 'hani, tau x yana dah xde dah?' & when i heard that, i was kinda blurr & stunt.. lutut ni rase lemah sgt.. rase t'awang2.. lama sgt hani pk till sha say gudbye pon hani blurr lg.. & then hani menangis & meraung sepuas2nye.. jerit nama mama.. i dont know wat to say.. hani juz ckp 'yana xde dah'.. mase tu hani hopeless sgt.. org ptama hani bgtau adalh zati.. die pon x sggup nk dgr smpai hani kena ckp ngn mama die.. & then hani msj & call kwn2 yg lain.. kebetulan hani xde kredit time tu.. hani xley nk bgtau semua org.. bile kitorg smpai kt hospital je, hani & zati same2 nanges bpelukan.. perit sgt korg.. lost somebody yg sgt close dgn kite unexpectedly.. sedey sgt2..
now' even we've move on, we never forget her.. she's still here in our heart.. & i wish i could have a chance to say that i love her.. eventhough she's gone now, i hope she knows that..Al -fatihah for her.. :)

hani & arwah yana.. mase ni kitorg g mydin beli brg utk dinner 1st year..

hani & arwah mase buat persembahan koir acapella.. rindu sgt time ni.. we enjoyed so much..

mase ni dinner 2nd year.. she's wearimg my tudung.. :)

da three of us..hani..yana.. zati.. :)

da six of us.. kenangan with arwah.. :)

i really love diz pic.. :)

p/s: i love all of you.. wanna all of you to know that..Best Friend Forever.. :)
saranghaeyo.. <3

~Stunt+ down~

Hi & Assalamualaikum..

last nite, after a while penantian, i got this email from my supervisor regarding my project.. semakin lama baca, semakin down plak rase..huhu.. please go through his email below.. :)

Waalaikum salam,

Wah! panjang betul email.
Let say an easier answer to all the question.

First, mesti buat road survey, kena kira traffic volume dipintu masuk utama UPM. You kena wujudkan traffic volume flow dalam campus. Masa peak dan out of peak hours.
Berapa ramaia yang boleh buat. kalau semester hadapan, saya boleh gunakan pelajar prasiswazah untuk bantu buat survey tersebut.

Lepas itu classify type of vehicles.
Calculate travel time (VKT)
Determine Emission factor
Calculate contribution to environment (CO2, NOx or SO2)
Kena pandai ArcGIS untuk objectif 3, untuk determine the effect of intervention.
Software saya tak ada untuk itu tapi saya tahu ada. Mahal.
Why UPM- selaras dengan halatuju Green campus by UPM.
Jadi tak boleh lihat small part sahaja, kena jadikan seluruh serdang campus as your study area.

I will go through you proposal dgn senang hati sebab lepas ini tak ada kuliah.

i'm just thinking.. mampukah saya buat semua like he wanted to?? coz for ur information, i know nothing bout what he said actually..sigh.. but that's the truth.. i really2 hope i can go through the presentation on diz 22 May 2011 well..or with flying colours maybe.. i really2 hope that i'll managed to finish my master in early 2012.. so, do pray for me ya guys... thanks.. (^_*)

Monday, May 16, 2011

~Happy Teacher's Day~

Hi & assalamualaikum....

saya tidak mahu update bebanyak.. juz wanna say Happy Teacher's Day to both my lovely parents Mastura Binti Kamarulzaman & Mat Lazim @Mahasan Bin Noor..for being a great teachers throughout my life.. i love both of you so much.. nothing can pay what both of u had sacrificed for me.. :)

not forgetting my beloved aunt, Mak Su, Mariana Binti Kamarohzaman & my cousin yg comey Maryam Madhiah Ahmad..Happy Teacher's Day jugak..
& to all my friends yg sudah jadi cikgu + bakal cikgu.. :)

juga kepada kesemua cikgu + lecturer yg telah bersusah payah mendidik & mengjar sy sehingga ke tahap ini.. cikgu-cikgu sek.keb. bukit payong.. sek.keb. padang mengkuang.. seri puteri kl.. lecturer matrix pahang.. universiti malaysia terengganu.. terutama Dr. Mariam & Dr. Faridah...& universiti putra malaysia..jasamu akan dikenang sampai bila2 dan xkan terbalas...hanya Allah sahaja yg mampu membalasnya..saya sayang anda semua.. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


hi & assalamualaikum...

rase nak hangen je 1 badan.. bukan ape.. my latest entry yg pnjg berjela, which da story is about my all BFF disappeared just like dat... ting!!! juz like dat youuuu.. da la penat2 nk menaip & upload gmbr sgale kan..nk story morry lg.. hilang la plak.. haisshhh.. baru 1 BFF hani yg dpt bace.. yang len blom tgk lg.. mmg i p****d off abes lahh!! dush2.. da x ingt hape yg ditulis.. nk tulis balik mcm la i ni rajin sgt nk hupdate slalu kan?? :p
nanti la next2 time ye..

p/s: btw, ade sesapa tau nk dptkn balik entry yg hilang tue?? TQ.. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

~oH My DreaM Car~

hi & assalamualikum..

today i wanna talk about my dream car.. yeahhh.. i'm a car's lover.. don't ever u think that a girly person like me know nothing bout cars..ngehngeh.. :P
i do know know bout cars & sports.. :)
see da pic below..

yang ni mmg kereta idaman gile2 nk dpt yg ni mmg impossible laa...hehe..

yg ni pon sy aim.. BMW X6 yg sgt 'owhsem' & 'hensem'..kahkahkah..harga round half million bro.. nk pakai yg nie kena wat bisnes dulu.. :)

yg ni pon sy aim.. BMW ni murah sket dr X6.. kalo husband engineer or ade business bley la pakai.. haha :P

BMW M3.. xde ke sesapa yg nak hadiahkan kat sy yg ini??? kihkihkih

ooohhh.. yg ini pon sgt la awesome.. Mr. Ben sile beli yg ini yep... :P

atau pon civic type R nie..kihkihkih.. :p

saye nk beli kete ni aje..

suzuki swift.. mmg idaman kalbu sjak dulu lg.. :)

atau yang ini...

tgk org pakai neo cps ni pon cantek jgk.. :)

atau mybe kalo dlm mase t'dekat (1-2 thun nie) hani beli yg ini aje.. hakhak.. :)

anda mesti t'tanye2 knape kereta idaman sy semuanya b'warna puteh kan?? it is bcoz mmg sy nk beli kete yg warna putih aje..hehe

whatever it is, yang paling penting, kite kena ade impian.. & kena berusaha utk m'capai impian itu.. semoga Allah memurahkan rezeki dan m'permudahkan segalanya.. semoga segala impian sy akan menjadi kenyataan.. AMIN... :)

dan sekarang.. sila bace journal & thesis ye cik hani.. demi m'capai impian kamu itu.. :P
daaaaa... (^_*)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

~bile mau ade hobi mcm ini lagi?? ~

Hi & Assalamualaikum...

dulu... sy pnh ade satu hobi ni.. ce teka..ce teka.. hehe.. juz see da explanation below.. :)

yes.. sy ske tgkp gmbr sendiri.. which is called as 'camwhore' :P

sy ske snap pic di mana2 saje tmpat yg sy pegi.. especially ble ade event2 t'tentu.. :)

kunun2 cute le tu..haha..sile abaikan.. :P

layak jd model x??cett.. berangan je lebey..kihkih

ini la sy yg sgt noob bile pakai spek..kantoi ske tdo dlm kelas..muahaha

dulu2..kalo sy tgkap gmbr, mesti wajib buat peace..hehe

inilah muke sy yg sgt serius pabila memandu.. kalah muke jpj.. :P

sy juge ske amek gmbr mcm ni.. gmbr yg mcm ade nilai estetika & seni..muahaha..bajet.. dis pic is not edited okayy.. actually non of my pic above r edited..coz x reti nk edit2 gmbr.. sy kan buta technology.. :)

saya juga merupakan peminat tegar warna purple selain ske wedding nanti mesti ade unsur2 purple.. erkkk.. ade kaintankah??haha

dan bile sy pakai bj kurung, sy mesti snap pic byk2.. sbbnye, sy jrg pakai bj kurung.. bile pakai bj kurung, kunun2 lebih ayu la kan.. so amek gmbr pon cntek.. haha.. poyo.. :P

bile sy pakai tudung mcm ney, mr.ben suke kutuk muke sy mcm 'teletubbies'.. :'-(..jahat kan die??& smpai skrg sy da x pakai tudung mcm ney.. :P

dan inilah muke sy yg agak latest..gambar2 di atas semuanya pd zmn kegemilangan sy (kurus+ kulit muke licin tnpa jerawat..haha) sy semakin tembam kan??hahaha..sile abaikan parut jerawat di hidung.. :P

yang ini gmbr terang sket..hehe.. oh pipiku yg tembam.. sob..sob.. :-(

gmbr bulan 4 ni la yg plg latest sy camwhore.. then xde dah.. kamera hp da lame rosak..kamera digital br rosak..lens die tsekat2 xnk masuk.. sob.. sob..

sy edit pic ni & sy ske.. walaupun ade parut jerawat ats hidung . :)

sile abaikan bentuk bdn yg x mcm model ye.. :P

and lastly, ini gmbr pastport sy..jauh bebenor rupenye..kan??haha..pndai gile kedai ni edit gmbr..muke sy sgt la flawless.. terharu..tq so much.. sile menangis.. sob..sob..haha :P

and skarang sy t'sgt la rindu nk b'camwhore.. so, kepada sesiapa yg bermurah ati nk sedekahkan kamera digital atau hp beresolusi tinggi (at least 5MP), sila jgn malu & jgn segan bgtau sy ye..kalo xnk bg cam free, amek gmbr sy free je pon xpe.. :P
sekian... (^_*)

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