Tuesday, August 23, 2011

~Secret Recipe~

hi & assalamualaikum..

yesterday da kuar berbuka puasa kt chilada seafood.. today aku kuar lagi b'buka pose kat secret recipe wif along, adek & kak ija...if hari- hari la aku mkn x hengat dunia mcm ni, gerenti berat aku naik balik b4 raya... oh! sile menyesal dan diet bermula esok ye cik hani !besok xyah mkn! haha :P

ok, back to the story, actually kak ija ni our choir conductor masa zaman kegemilangan kitorg kat UMT dulu..aku penah cite kat korg2 yg aku ni mmg penyanyi koir aktif sejak kecik sehinggalah ke besar, which time degree la aku plg aktif.. since 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010 byk jugak la event yg aku join.. seriously, i really miss the old memories.. yelah..sedar x sedar, da setahun lebey aku meninggalkan zaman degree yg sememangnya byk sgt kenangn dlm hidup aku.. yg byk mengajar aku erti kehidupan..wuhuuu.. :)

so, jumpalah aku, along & adek ngn kak ija kat secret recipe u olls.. byk gak kitorg borak2 psl life.. & 4 ur info, kak ija ni masih single tahu?? nk no. phone??muehehe.. :P.. so korg lyn kan jela piccas2 kitorg yg besh di bwh ni yepp.. (^_*)

my sis & me.. :)

here we are in secret recipe.. :D

my youngest sista.. nurul harina nadiah.. she's bigger than me..haha! :P

that's me! da most 'ayu' girl in da world..kahkahkah.. sile muntah ijau skrg! :P

motip bgambar mcm ni??? tunjuk gelang besaq! kau hado?? haha!

me wif kak ija! ce teka ce teka.. brape umur kak ija ni?? i tell u.. she looks younger than her age.. her behaviour also.. hehe

along & adek.. obviously perangai mcm budak2 yg m'buatkan aku nmpk lg matured..sigh! :P

viatnamese noodle..adek punyer! bley tahan sedap..

spageti bolognaise.. bg aku x sedap mana..ini along punyer!

ini spageti aglio olio kak ija punyer.. byk cili benggala + seafood je.. tp taste die not bad la.. :)

hidangan plg vogue ni mesti la aku punye..kahkahkah! actually hajat asal aku nk mkn macaroni cheese..tp da t'jatuh hati kat menu baru ni.. sheperd's pie (chicken).. ntah ejaan btol ke x aku x tau..nama pun da vogue g2 kan u ollss..hehe..yg korg tgk mcm berpintal2 tu actually mashed potato..ngn creamy chicken kt bwh die,..mkn ngn salad segar yg diperah lemon..mmg superb! aku recommend sgt menu ni kt korg.. :D

kek ni kak ija punyer.. coklat cheese ape ntah..mulberi kot (pepandai je aku) hehe

strawberry marshmallow cheese...sedap woiii.. :)

white+dark chocolate cheese.. i loike.. :)

hehe..byk gak la kami melantak..kenyang giler sampai x larat nk bangun da pastu..hehe.. nway, really have fun wif kak ija yg comels today! :D

~berbuka puasa wif UMT's Friends~

hi & assalamualaikum..

semalam aku meet old friends yg mostly sambung master kat UMT di Chilada Seafood KT.. org2 tsebut adalah cik faz..cik huda.. cik mai.. cik izzat.. abg azmi ismun..& ahmad kwn dorg.. my bff cik zati & my sis along pon join gak..aritu, awal2 da plan bila balik ganu nak buka puasa sama2 ngan dorg.. so don't wanna talk more, juz see da piccas peeps.. :)

da bio gurls.. we are cosmate time degree.. depan skali aku, cik huda, cik zati, cik faz & cik mai.. awat aku nmpk besaq gedabak ni..haha :)

cik huda & cik zati.. :D

BFF forever.. cik huda..cik zati..cik hani..cik faz.. & x lupe kpd cik dj.. we miss you..hehe.. (^_*)

cik zati & cik hani.. (^_^)

cik huda & cik faz yg tomei.. :D

hoho..nape la muka aku bulat bebenor.. haha! :P

kami yg comelss...muehehe.. :P

gambar comel lg..hahaha..mentang2 le xde org, ko posing abes2 ye dik non! :P

itu die datin izzat..hehe..sori datin..datin dtg lmbt..so ade 1 gambaq je.. :)

ikan siakap sweet sour..yummy!

telur dadar pon nk jgk bgambar..haha

kerabu mangga.. best!

kailan ikan masin..

the best dish of the day.. puyuh goreng berlada..sgt sedappp okeyyy!

dan inilah hasilnye slpas makan.. kami adalah sgt pelahap ..sekian.. :P

Sunday, August 21, 2011

~first time making TIRAMISU ~

hi & assalamualaikum..

baru ptg tadi aku mengomel xde mood nak masak, tetiba masuk je dapur ptg td mood memasak m'buak2..haha! itulah hakikatnya diri aku ini..kena ada booster sket baru la meletop2 perasaan hendak memasak itu..hihi..

aku mengidam nk mkn benda alah ni sgt2.... TIRAMISU...yup..one of my fav.. so, aku pon men'google' la kejap resipinya... & luckily, aku jumpa da most simplest recipe of tiramisu.. resepi yg mgunakan bahan yg agak mudah..but biasalah..aku suke modified based on bahan2 yg ada kat umah shj.. so, here wanna share the recipe with you.. (^_^)


  • biskut marie / roti/ kek span secukupnya (memandangkn kt umah xde kek span & biskut marie/jejari tiramisu, aku bantai guna roti..hahaha)
  • telur sebiji
  • whipping cream 1 cawan (250 ml)
  • 6 sudu besar gula
  • 2 sudu besar (rata) serbuk nescafe
  • sedikit esen vanilla
  • secawan air (suhu bilik)


  1. asingkan putih dan kuning telur
  2. pukul putih telur bersama 2 s/b gula sehingga kembang (bertanduk)
  3. Dalam mangkuk lain,pukul kuning telur bersama 2 s/b gula sehingga berkrim.
  4. Dalam mangkuk lain,pukul whipping cream bersama esen vanilla dan gula selebihnya sampai kembang (bertanduk). Boleh gunakan mesin pengadun yg sama tapi pastikan pukul putih telur, diikuti kuning telur dan whip cream.
  5. kemudian campurkan kuning telur dlm whip krim yg dah dipukul td, gaul rata tp mesti perlahan-lahan. Gunakan spatula atau senduk kayu. Kemudian masukkan pula putih telur, kaup balik sampai adunan sebati. jgn kacau lama sangat.
  6. Bancuh nescafe dgn 1 cwn air
  7. Celup roti dlm air nescafe, terus susun dlm mangkuk. roti tu aku potong petak2 empat segi. jgn rendam lama sgt sebab nanti roti jd tlalu lembik. celup sahaja tp mesti semua bahagian tercelup dlm air nescafe. jadikan 2 atau 3 layer untuk bahagian bawah (base)
  8. letak krim sikit, ratakan..
  9. Ulang langkah 7 & 8 sampai roti habis. Bahagian atasnya mestila diakhiri dgn adunan krim td..
  10. pastu korg hias la ngn serbuk koko di ats tiramisu tsebut..

tadaa..inilah rupa tiramisu tsebut.. :)

da messy tiramisu yg aku mkn..aku gelojoh..baru je letak dlm peti, x tunggu lama, terus aja mkn.. haha :P

bubye.. (^_*)

~wordless sunday~

hi & assalamualaikum..

today is sunday..& i'm in a holiday mood.. juz arrived safely here in terengganu my hometown yesterday at 6pm.. nothing much to do..& i still have no mood to start working on baking biscuits & cakes.. haha! yes..so weird when i've no mood to start cooking.. juz bz FBeing & blogwalking.. :P

today, 21st August means 21 day already muslims had been fasting.. 9 days left y'all.. so fast time moving.. raya is just around the corner & everyone are busy looking for new clothes, shoes, handbags & so on.. of coz diz coming raya, the 'ladies' are the most excited person.. hehe..including me.. :P

so here, i just wanna say, to all muslims, selamat mengejar malam lailatul qadar & buat amal ibadat sebanyak yang mungkin.. coz not all people have the opportunities.. like me.. sobs.. :'( hope this year i can pray solat sunat hari raya aidilfitri after not being able to do that for 3 years in a row.. oh men.. u should be thankful coz u r so lucky.. ;-)

& also wanna say selamat membuat persiapan yg sebaik mungkin for this coming raya.. yg dpt bonus tu untunglah..be thankful.. & please spend wisely..jgn membazir kerana itu adalah amalan syaiton..hehe.. ingat pesan saya.. even barang murah & non-branded pon bley nampak cantek & bergaya.. :)

babai.. (^_^)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

~wanna know me better?? read diz.. :)~

hi & assalamualaikum...

somebody comment this on my fb.. which is my character according to my birth month...i think it is exactly true..it shows my true colors..so, if u wanna know me better, read diz..

-berfikiran ke hadapan

-berfikiran unik dan bijak

-penuh dgn idea-idea baru yg luarbiasa

-pemikiran yg tajam

-daya firasat yg sgt halus dan tinggi

‎-cermat dan teliti

-sifat yg berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia

-banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra

-berani, pemurah, setia dan byk kesabaran

- Apabila hendak, diusahakan sehingga berjaya

-tak suka marah kecuali digugat

-mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain

-pandai muhasabah diri

-cara berfikir lain dari org lain

-otak yg sangat tajam

-pandai mendorong diri sendiri

-kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yg sgt tinggi dan apabila hendak sesuatu cuba sampai berjaya

-kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam


-suka duduk dirumah

-sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi

-amanah, jujur setia dan pandai berahsia

-bercita-cita tinggi

me..myself & i..

so, this is me... now u think u know me better?? what about yours?? (^_*)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

~Bengang..maybe?? ~

hi & assalamualaikum..

~i don't wanna talk much..juz feel a bit sad & hurt.. some people didn't realize that in order he/she want to impress & make other's happy, they hurt another people..feeling sick of this kind of people who just see to make his/her priority happy by neglecting the feeling of the people surrounding.. if it happen once or twice, maybe it can be accepted.. but if it happens always, think about it people..if you had promised with someone to do something, please kept ur promise..just don't be too selfish..don't just think that only u & ur priority live in this world.. whenever wanna do something, please think about other people around also ok?? they are also normal human who have feelings.. don't ever hurt others in order to take care of ur love one's heart.. think about it.. muhasabahlah diri & selamat beramal.. ~

peace..no war.. (^_*)

Friday, August 12, 2011

~wordless friday.. :)~

hi & assalamualaikum..

~We would never knew that there is someone out there who always missing us..remembering us..wondering bout us.. care bout us..pray for us to be happy...& sometimes we can sense it.. how weird.. i think this happened when two hearts are connected together.. no matter how far they are separated.. when 2 hearts become 1 soul, they can read each other's mind.. (^_*)~

exaggerated me! haha

muka kembung..lol!

sila abaikan mop di belakang.. :P

this is 'hani tajima'..kahkahkah

have a nice day peeps.. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

~wordless wednesday~

There's no regrets in life...
only lessons...
everything happens for a reason


Sunday, August 7, 2011

~Selamat Hari Ahad~

hi & assalamualaikum..

When your absence doesn't alter someones life, Then accept the reality that your presence has no meanings in their life...

happy sunday!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


hi & assalamualaikum..

masihkah anda ingat ini punye notes di FB hani??

hai korang..lama x dgr khabar hani kan??sori la lama x on9..hani tau seme pasti t'tanye2 mane hani..hu3..firstly, sbb hani lama x on9 adlh broadband auntie nie lmbt dibayar..so sminggu xley on9..then, last week quite bz..maklum la skolah da nk tutup..keje btmbh..hu3..but that is not the story that i want to tell all of u..

x reti la nk start citer camne..kalo pk balik, klakar pun ade...tragis pun ade..sakit pun ade..seme la ade..hu3..tp yg penting, after 3 days pun, sakit die trase lg tau...hahahaha

nk dimulekan cite..pada hari isnin aritu..7 jun 2010.. hani ikut mak sdare (ateh) g lawat site projek kt Ibam, Pahang..dr pagi tu da demam..tp still ok lg...x la rase pening ke..cuma badan je trase seram sejuk..hu3..after lawat site, trus la g kuantan..kitorg g pejabat jkr yg tletak kat kompleks tun razak, kuantan..ateh nk settle psl borang tender company die..dan mase tue sy melilau lilau seketika..tetibe rase nk g toilet..b4 nk kuar toilet tue, xtau nape bdn nie da rase len mcm..muke pun cam da brubah..tp ignore jela..then hani pun g la cr ateh balik..lepas jupe ateh, hani pun bjalan la ngan ateh..mase tue hani da rase x sedap hati.. x sedap badan..hani ckp la kt ateh, hani rase nk pitam..pening.. ingt nk duduk jap...then ateh ajak cepat2 g kt kete..dlm perjalanan nk g kete tula tragedi tu blaku.. x sangka plak..ingatkn badan nie kuat..dpt btahan smpai kt kete..tapi...................

slame nie tgk dlm tv or depan mate je camne org pengsan..tp kali nie diri sendiri plak yg pengsan..wuwuwuuwwuww.....malu gilerrr kot..hahahaha...klakar pun ade...x tau ler camne ley jd mcm tue..time tgh jalan nk g kete tue, x tau nape mata nie smakin b'balam2...hani cuba kuatkn jugak..jegilkan biji mata..mase tu t'dgr lg ateh jerit.. "angah..jgn tutup mata"...sy pun luaskn la biji mata..tp tetibe nmpk mcm bintik-bintik hitam putih smakin byk..mcm ble tgk skrin tv lama..hu3..pastu trus gelap..mase tu sy rase tubuh nie melayang..rase mcm tgh tido & b'mimpi jer..then, t'dgr lg suare ateh.. "angah..cepat bangun...malu ramai org tgk nie.." ntah camne tetibe sy bley bangun b'diri tegak sblum jatuh semule ke jalan tar yg panas tue..hu3..kalo ingt balek klakr la jugak..tgh dlm keadaan sedar x sedar tu bley lg t'pk malu kt org ramai..hahaha..dh la time tu seme org kuar lunch kowt..hu3.. kemudian sy da x sedar pape..x rase pape..tp mcm trase tubuh nie diangkt org..ateh ckp..ade 3 org laki yg angkat sy.. sorang pak guard..sorg pemandu van ambulans..sorg pekerja kt situ..ni la first time diangkt org kot..hahahaha..yg klakarnye...ateh ckp..pak cik tue smpt lg ckp.."kus smangat bdak nie"..hehe..kalo sy yg 54kg ni pon dorg da x larat nk angkt, bygkan kalo yg lebey berat dr sy nie...hehehe..pastu sedar x sedar sy da atas kerusi..dorg bg sy minum ngn mkn..dorg suruh sy duduk..mase tue cian kt ateh..kelam kabut die..sy tau.. die mesti panik gler..mujur la ateh kuat smangt..kalo ateh yg pengsan, sy da nanges kot..hahaha..da la time sy pengsan tue, ateh ckp ramai org pekan yg knal die..nanti hebohla satu kmpung cucu tok kama pengsan kt kompleks tun razak..nasib bek la sy ni muke tebal gak..hehe..pas sedar je, sy trus diinterview..ade ke patut ade pak cik tu tanye sy da brapa bulan??hahaha..tp xley slhkn die jugak..sbb dress yg sy pakai kot..hehe..nie kenangan t'indah la..x pnh alami benda cmnie spnjg hidup sy..sy nie jarang skit..tp ble da sakit, truk gak la..hu3..ape yg penting, lepas sedar dr pengsan tue, sy rase sakit kt kpale...lutut..ateh ckp kpale sy 2-3 kali jugak la t'hentak kt atas jln tue..lutut sy sakit pun sbb luke..b'darah gak la..sakit wooooo...smpai skrg trase lg beb.. huhu..pape pun doakan sy cepat sembuh yerr...

smalam...dlm sakit2 pun, sy ttp nk bjalan gak..sempat la g east coast mall shopping...tgk wayang...cite lagenda budak setan...best jugak...smpt la nanges2... hihi..yg plg pntg, sy dpt benda yg sy idamkn..BIG APPLE DONUTS..yummy!! thnx to ateh 4 everything... love yaa..:P

notes ini sudah setahun berlalu ye tuan-tuan & puan-puan..muahahaha.. lately slalu jugak aku rase nk pitam & dizzy mcm ni..1stly, last week mase tgh menjual.. boley ke aku nyaris tumbang atas cik zati time nk amek beg plastik nk bg kat pelanggan?? nasib baik la nak jatuh atas cik zati..die tu pompuan..kalo jatuh atas org laki??? x ke haru namanya..hahaha.. da 2nd incident happened tadi masa almost waktu b'buka.. tgh2 nk jalan gi dapur, bley tetiba gelap mata & nyaris jatuh..mujur kebetulan cik zati ikut dr belakang..cepat2 dia pegang aku.. oh..cik zati la heroin aku!! kahkahkah.. nway, thanks a lot dear for saving me twice.. :)

lately jugak, aku selalu sakit.. aritu demam almost 2 weeks..cough about 1 month.. and this week, kerap rasa kepala b'denyut-denyut.. migrain kah??

haissshhhh..adakah aku terlalu lemah, x kuat , lemah semangat or t'kurang makan?? rasenye da t'lebey makan kowt..hehe.. mungkin ini dugaan kecil untuk aku.. :) i don't know the answer..

ya Allah.. please don't take me away yet.. coz i need to repay back my parents first b4 i go.. they had sacrificed a lot for me..please give me da chance to make them happy.. & please dont take me away yet until i give all the love to the people who loves me..

hope everything will be fine.. juz pray for me k?? love yaa.. :)

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